Be a Fitness Hero with FitnessAge...and boost your income too!

Imagine a 35 year old discovering they have a FitnessAge of 49. Now, imagine showing them how to lower their FitnessAge and become physically younger. Or how about showing a 45 year old client that all the hard work is paying off and they’ve got a FitnessAge of 22! 

Either way, you’re a Fitness Hero!

Over 200,000 people have done the FitnessAge assessment since 2001.

FitnessAge is the #1 proven tool for getting and keeping clients with 1 in 3 people who discover their FitnessAge immediately signing up for personal training.

And maybe the best news is that FitnessAge is super affordable at just $24 per month for Network members only.

Please explore our site and learn about the powerful effect FitnessAge can have on your clients and your bottom line.

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"The most motivating tool I have ever used especially for clients over 40.  In my 10 years as a Personal Fitness Professional, I have never had a tool flip the switch on in people like FitnessAge."


" FitnessAge has not only helped me get new clients, but is a vital tool for keeping current ones."