FitnessAge Pro. vs FitnessAge Express

FitnessAge 3.0 gives you access to two versions of FitnessAge, each designed for different situations:

FitnessAge Pro (for health facilities)
- Designed for use at a health facility (ie. club)

- Wizard style leads trainer and participant through each test

- Internet connected computer must be present
- Higher interactive experience for the trainer and

  the participant

FitnessAge Express (for independent trainers)
- Designed for independent personal trainers

- Also used by facilities for remote or group assessments

- No computer is required at the time of the assessment
- All timers/metronomes are provided on an audio CD

- Scores are written onto FitnessAge Results forms

- Data is entered after the assessment into a simple online

  form (FitnessAge Express) and the FitnessAge is calculated


The FitnessAge tests

Calculating a FitnessAge

FitnessAge Express

Equipment required

How long does it take?

Trainer requirements


Executive reports